The TCC-group has built up a lot of knowledge in recent years that we are happy to share with our customers. Our services consist of:
Advice on the organization of a crisis and culls
We advise you on setting up a crisis-organization. Both in “peace time” and “crisis time”. During a crisis, for example, a physical crisis centre near the crisis area may be advisable. Government officials and executors are close together and can respond quickly to changing circumstances.
Setting up a culling team that will actually carry out culling is essential for a quick response time in the event of an animal disease crisis. We support you in setting up such a team.

Practical training of culls
The culling team will have to regularly practice operating equipment, handling animals, hygiene protocols, use of personal protective equipment, setting up a crisis location on a farm, setting up a regional crisis centre and many other tasks.
System selection of euthanase equipment
To make sure that poultry, cattle or pigs are disposed of properly, a correct choice of equipment is necessary. The equipment for killing must comply with your legislation and technical requirements that you set. In addition, you opt for a system that is easy to maintain, simple to operate, safe and sustainable. A system for killing animals must also be easily scalable; in the event of a crisis, it may be necessary to deploy more teams. Each team must then quickly have its own system. We are happy to help you make these choices.
Equipment sales
It is possible to involve culling equipment in the TCC group on the basis of a lease or purchase. We would like to advise you and together with you come to a good choice to prepare you for the arrival of an animal disease. With this you can equip your own teams and have reliable adequate tools to combat thorough animal disease.